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API documentation for extending Pinegrow Web Editor with custom plugins.

From the very beginning Pinegrow was designed to be extendible. Most of its features are implemented as plugins that extend the core web editor, for example:

  • Support for frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, and even Plain HTML projects,
  • Components and master pages,
  • Static HTML CMS,
  • WordPress theme builder,
  • Visual CSS Grid editor…

The API is open and accessible to all users. You can use it to:

  • Add support for a CSS/HTML framework.
  • Define controls for your custom properties, classes and attributes.
  • Create a component / blocks library.
  • Integrate Pinegrow with your workflow.

Resources for developers

At this, first, stage, we want to support developers who are interested in extending Pinegrow with new frameworks, workflows, tools and integrations.

We’ll be adding new information and examples in response to needs expressed in the developer community.

The goal is to make development easier for existing developers and encourage others to join and create Pinegrow extensions, be it for their own needs, to integrate Pinegrow with workflows of their organizations or to create solutions aimed at the broad Pinegrow user base.

Last updated on June 26, 2023 at 7:35 am

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