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Release Notes

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  • Pinegrow Web Editor 6.1 – July 28, 2021

    Design panel with improved backgrounds, filters, harmonic colors and local web fonts – New templates and blocks – SVG icons for every project – Code editor with intelisense, new color themes and better performance – Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS updates – and more!

  • Pinegrow Web Editor 5.97 – July 8, 2020

    Tailwind Visual Editor add-on – Drag & Drop with collapsed elements – Reorganized HTML element Library – Copy paste attributes – Combined Undo history and more.

  • Pinegrow Web Editor 5.96 – May 14, 2020

    Improved Page Libraries – Editing XHTML Files – Preserve attribute case – #Link mapping – Register WordPress Taxonomy supports Blocks editor – Bug Fixes

  • Release 5.4 – 27. March, 2019

    Redesigned element context menu – Copy & Paste actions – SASS fixes – WordPress improvements – Insert actions from the context menu – Visual helpers – Post & Loop settings – Smarter Smart Menu – Reusable Customizer Sections and Fields

  • Release 5.3 – 27. Feb. 2019

    Open CSS Grid Editor and other tools in floating windows, Collapse / Expand all in the Tree panel, Bootstrap Carousel and more.

  • Release 5.2 – 6. Feb, 2019

    CSS Grid editor validates input values, element in the status bar, pick colors with system color picker, WordPress Builder improvements and more.

  • Release 5.1 – 24. Jan, 2019

    Open panels in floating windows and arrange them on multiple screens. Easily update Bootstrap, fixed Master pages, WordPress improvements, Starter Theme 2 update and more.

  • Pinegrow 5 – Nov 20, 2018

    “Focus on…” mode, Handling inline styles and other styling improvements, Drag files from the Project panel and more.

  • Release 4.8 – 31 May, 2018

    Light UI Theme, keep custom HTML formatting, Font Awesome 5, better support for Google Fonts and WordPress improvements.

  • Release 4.7 – 10 May, 2018

    Bootstrap 4.1, control over the remote access to the Internal web server, a bunch of WordPress Theme Builder improvements and more.

  • Release 2.31 – 18. Nov 2015

    Download Pinegrow 2.31 Did you miss the launch of Pinegrow PRO? We discovered a bug that prevented exporting WordPress themes in trial mode. We also added a bunch of useful goodies that will make your web development life easier: Auto fixing broken links in project Use Fix links in PRJ context menu to fix broken

  • Release 2.21 – Sep 2. 2015

    Pinegrow 2.21 – Smart WP menus and bug fixes Hi, Matjaz here, the author of Pinegrow Web Editor. Pinegrow 2.21 is available for download. The update is free if it falls within one year from your license purchase (no problem if that’s not the case – you can get additional year of updates for half

  • Release 2.2 – Jul 23. 2015

    Pinegrow 2.2 with Bootstrap & WordPress Blocks (and more) In this release: ▪ Blocks for Bootstrap and WordPress ▪ Full support for WordPress Customizer ▪ Online course about creating WordPress themes with Pinegrow ▪ Pinegrow Slack Community ▪ and more. Download Pinegrow for Mac, Windows and Linux — Bootstrap & WordPress Blocks The biggest news

  • Release – 1.2 BETA

    Beta release of Pinegrow Web Designer 1.2 is available for download on http://pinegrow.com, featuring: – Working with HTML pages that use JavaScript code and plugins – Better Edit code – Visual page synchronization – Support for Revolution Slider and Bootstrap Carousel – Bug fixes At the first glance Pinegrow 1.2 looks very similar to previous releases.

  • Release 1.15 – June 23, 2014

    New features: CSS UI fields for top, right, bottom and left. pg-empty-placeholder class makes empty elements visible during editing. Settings for UI zoom (useful for visually impaired users) and HTML code indent size in Support -> Settings. Smarter Insert Lorem Ipsum in selected element Actions menu. Bug fixes: CSS parser mistook // characters as comments

  • Release 1.14 – June 17, 2014

    It has important bug fixes and a couple of new features:UP and DOWN arrow keys in CSS rules properties increases or decreases values by 0.1 unit (1 unit with SHIFT) if value is a decimal value (normally by 1 and 10 units). Use selected element Actions -> Insert Lorem Ipsum to quickly insert placeholder text.

  • Release 1.13 – June 11, 2014

    New time-saving features: Use UP and DOWN arrow keys in CSS rules properties to increase or decrease values by 1 unit. Press SHIFTto change the value by 10 units. Select and open multiple files with Open file… Open files by dragging and dropping them to Pinegrow window. File -> Close all will close all open

  • Release 1.12 – June 5, 2014

    CSS improvements CSS vs LESS Until now Pinegrow always used LESS parser to work with CSS files, even when no LESS features were used. LESS and SASS versions of stylesheet were always saved alongside the CSS file. This had some undesirable side-effects: adding unnecessary .less and .scss files in your project; if .css file was edited

  • Release 1.11 – May 29, 2014

    Lots of goodies in this release! The most important is support for defining custom responsive breakpoints together with the media query selection tool. This works on any HTML page, regardless of which framework it is using (or not). See it in action and learn how to use Pinegrow to create responsive sites. Multi-page editing was

  • Release 1.107, April 23 2014

    New Pinegrow Web Designer 1.107 is available for download on pinegrow.com with many improvements that will make your work with Pinegrow quicker and more reliable.