
Pinegrow Interactions come with a friendly license that lets you freely use interactions in your projects.

Details of the license can be found in

Summary of the license

You are allowed to:

  • Use Pinegrow Interactions in your websites and web applications, for personal and commercial use.
  • Sell your work to clients.
  • Sell your work in marketplaces, for example as components, templates or themes.
  • Transfer the full rights granted by this license to your clients.

Pinegrow Interactions are available under a subscription plan, but you keep the above rights for your existing projects, even if you cancel the subscription.


  • You are not allowed to use Pinegrow interactions or its library in website builders, or distribute it as part of services and software for developing or generating websites or web applications.
  • GreenSock GSAP library is subject to its own license when used outside of interactions created with Pinegrow Interactions, for example if you use GSAP features directly from your Javascript code. This license can be viewed at


Note, “Interactions” and “it” refers to Pinegrow Interactions.

What GSAP version are Pinegrow Interactions using?

We are using GreenSock GSAP 3.

Could you clarify which GSAP plugins are included in the Pinegrow Interactions add-on?

GSAP core, ScrollTrigger and some other public plugins are included.

Our custom GSAP integration – which offers a unique, innovative and highly reliable timeline editor – allows you to use all the Interactions features currently available through the Pinegrow interface as well as the advanced features that are presented in our documentation.

Can I use Interactions in my profitable SaaS solution?

Yes, you can.

Can I use it in my client work?


Can I sell my template that uses Interactions in a public marketplace?

Yes, you can.

Can I create a component that uses Interactions, sell it in marketplaces and allow buyers to use it to create templates that they then sell in marketplaces?

Yes, you can. It’s up to you if you wish to limit how your clients can distribute your work.

I developed a website builder that I sell or give away for free. Is it possible to integrate Pinegrow Interactions into my app or plugin?

No, you’re not allowed to do that under this license. Get in touch, let’s talk about it.

Do I have to mention Pinegrow Interactions when selling my work on marketplaces?

You’re not required to do so. Thanks, if you do 🙂 Of course, the marketplace license under which your work is sold should mention that you work might contain parts that are subject to their own licenses. That’s normally already a part of the default marketplace licenses, so you don’t have to do anything about it.

Can I remove the license information from pgia.js file to reduce the file size?

No, you can’t remove the license information from pgia.js file, even if you rename the file, minimize it, or combine it with other Javascript files.

Can I remove GSAP code from pgia.js because I’m already including it elsewhere?

Yes, you can. But note that in such case GSAP is subject to its own license and you need to get the appropriate license from GreenSock. Also, we can’t guarantee that Pinegrow interactions will work with the GSAP version you’re using in your project.

Can I use GSAP features like TimelineMax directly from my Javascript code?

Technically you can, but in that case GSAP is subject to its own license and you need to get the appropriate license from GreenSock.

If I keep renewing the Interaction add-on subscription but my main Pinegrow license is out-of-date and I don’t renew it, will Interactions keep working?

You will still have Interactions within your last version of Pinegrow, but just like your Pinegrow app, it will not be updated anymore as it is shipped together with Pinegrow (it is not downloaded separately).

So if you want the very last version of the Interactions add-on, you will have to keep your Pinegrow Web Editor license up-to-date as well.

If I decide to cancel the Interaction add-on subscription, will I be able to keep using the last paid-for Interaction add-on version?

No, Interactions features will not be available anymore within Pinegrow. Your projects with interactions will still function, but it will not be possible to use the Interaction UI to make modifications/improvements.

If I decide to cancel the Interaction add-on subscription (because I’ll use GreenSock directly from Javascript) will I be able to use Pinegrow Interactions with a GreenSock paid license instead ?

Existing Pinegrow Interactions will continue to function in your projects, but you won’t be able to use the Interactions UI to make any changes. GreenSock commercial license is not a substitute for Pinegrow Interactions subscription. Of course, you will be able to use GreenSock features directly from the Javascript code, under the rules of the appropriate GreenSock license.

Last updated on October 10, 2024 at 6:10 pm

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