Thanksgiving Sale 2024 is ending soon >

The Story of

6 years
60+ releases
This page is no longer updated. Please see the full release history instead.


Improved CSS Grid editor

Creating new pages in subfolders maps links to existing resources

Speeding up project loading

Font Awesome and Foundation updated to their latest versions

Bug fixes

Create custom blocks for WordPress Block Editor


Insert special characters

Exclude folders and files when scanning for components and master pages

Updated device presets

Improved in-app notifications

Bug fixes


Edit remote websites and web applications

Work with dynamic HTML elements

Materialize 1.0.0

Improved Google Fonts support

Handling imported CSS stylesheets

Conditionally enqueue scripts and styles

Use Customizer to show or hide an element

Bug fixes


Bootstrap 4.4.1

Interactions add-on improvements:

  • Copy pasting in the Timeline Editor
  • Adding custom trigger events
  • Simple API for playing animations
  • Bug fixes


Pinegrow Interactions add-on that transforms Pinegrow Web Editor into powerful studio for creating web animations and interactions.

Bug fixes


Use !important in visual editor

Control CSS code formatting

Reveal CSS rule in source code

WordPress Post Breadcrumbs

Bug fixes


Duplicate media queries

Lock all stylesheet children

Map urls in Master pages

Map Components links

Empty elements placeholders

Bug fixes


Lock stylesheets to protect them from accidental edits.

Improved Google Fonts manager with Font display setting.

Bug fixes.


Silky smooth Drag & Drop.

CSS enhancements and bug fixes.

Even smarter Smart Actions

New Theme Settings

Import WordPress content for the whole page

Theme screenshot

Regenerate functions.php

Control which files are exported

Complete documentation


Redesigned element context menu

Copy & Paste actions

SASS fixes

Insert actions from the context menu

Visual helpers

Post & Loop settings

Smarter Smart Menu

Reusable Customizer Sections and Fields


Floating windows with CSS Grid editor, Assign Classes tool, Unsplash Photo browser and Element Code editor.

Collapse and Expand all nodes in the Tree panel

Bootstrap Carousel autoplay setting

Bootstrap 4.3.1

Bug fixes


CSS Grid editor validates input values

Html element is shown in the status bar

Pick colors with system color picker

Allow JSON in Attribute editor

Apply master pages in the whole WordPress project

Bug fixes and error handling


Use Pinegrow on multiple screens & desktops. All new floating panels are here!

Easily upgrading Bootstrap to the latest version

Fixed Master Pages and WordPress Site actions

WordPress Theme builder changes and Starter Theme 2 update

Save partials improvements

Attribute editor improvements

Display helpers improvements

Network proxy settings


Focus on individual elements in isolation from the rest of the page

Smart handling of inline styles

Easily hide stylesheets and their rules in Active Style panel

Text indent CSS control

Customizing SASS/LESS variables detects if custom functions are used in default values

Drag images, stylesheets and scripts from the Project panel to the page

Filter the Tree panel display for elemements with inline styles, links, texts, components and WP actions

Select elements with keyboard arrow keys

Show element dimensions on hover

And more!


Visual control for CSS gradients and a library of gradient presets

Improved Visual CSS Grid Editor

Bootstrap 4.1.3

Automatically save the CSS file when the SASS or LESS source file change outside of Pinegrow


Visual CSS Grid Editor with:

Edit the grid layout

Manage named areas and named tracks

Move and resize grid elements

Drop elements directly to the grid

Create responsive grids

Turn off the CSS grid support when creating fallbacks for older browsers


Light UI theme

Keep custom HTML formatting

Manage and use Google Fonts directly from the CSS Visual editor

Font Awesome 5

Avoiding multiple registrations

Add url() when setting the background image inline style

Output Navigation menu to a variable


Bootstrap 4.1

Controlling the remote access to the Internal web server

Copy the url of Unsplash photos

Use “_” in HTML tag names

Team collaboration with User variables in Theme settings

“Enable REST API” setting for Custom Post Types, required for Gutenberg

Easily add IF statement to Post Field and Customizer Field smart actions

post_permalink() -> get_permalink()


Smart Actions that make theme creation even simpler

CMD + W (CTRL + W on Win and Linux) shortcut for exporting the whole theme.

Use WordPress -> Validate and show Content area to visualize the Site Content area on templates.

Page Template action can now have custom field key, for example “WP Post Template”.

get_field() function from ACF.

New Actions and WordPress panel has better organization.


Easily customize Bootstrap 4 themes

Customize SASS variables with smart dependencies

Bootstrap 4 pagination and navigation


Free images for your projects from Unsplash

Object-fit and object-position CSS properties

Improved paste into inline text editor

The Snowman is back!


Bootstrap 4 is out

Toggle the display of Visual helpers with CMD/CTRL + T

Improved Drag & Drop


Foundation 6.4 with all new visual tools

Image overlay guides for pixel perfect designs

Faster Page code editing, especially noticeable on large pages

Save Partial action accepts a relative path as well.

Support for remote stylesheets with the integrity attribute.


CSS Grid properties in CSS Visual editor

Improved value sliders in Visual Editor, change values by dragging the mouse or using UP and DOWN keys

Pick colors from anywhere in the Pinegrow window

Show inline styles in Active CSS panel

Bootstrap improvements


Bootstrap 4 with new visual tools for grids and columns, page libraries and responsive controls

Improved UI that gets out of your way when you don’t need it

Floating panels

Integrated CSS editing with Visual editor, Code and List editor

Easily change element tag name

Simpler Undo and Redo

Grab an element on the page to move or clone it

Control over element order when duplicating a group of elements

Improved performance and startup time


Double-click to collapse panels

Active CSS panel shows rules with :after and :before pseudo selectors


Faster CSS styling workflow

Improved text editing

Shiny new Help and Tutorials

Javascript syntax highlighting in code editor when you open a JS file through Project panel


Atom live sync is back

Split and Merge HTML elements

Compile & Save command for SASS/LESS stylesheets

Hide selected element border

More predefined workspaces


Redesigned User Interface

Select and edit multiple elements

Intelligent Drag & Drop that can rearrange layouts of multiple selected elements

Library panel with Quick insert and direct code input

Editable Tree panel

Quickly add and remove classes from elements

Repeat commands N times with Repeater

Seamless inline text editing

Multiple page views instantly in sync

Element code view with HTML and simplified PUG syntax

The brand new CSS editor with Active panel, Visual editor and List editor

CSS selector maker

Full support for SASS and LESS with instant live view

Undo / Redo history


Status bar with path to the selected element that lets you easily select any of the element’s parents

ASP, ASPX and ERB template editing in addition to PHP

Improved backup

Edit files without extension


Classes shown in the tree are now updated when properties in PROP panel change

Use Name in the Tree and in the Info section of the PROP panel

Manage Google Fonts (old asset manager) was added to Page menu

SVG elements can be edited with Element edit code


Pinegrow CMS for static HTML websites

Add and Remove links with contextual menu

Auto update CSS rules display in Style PROP section

Easily make Font Awesome icons and Bootstrap button types editable in Editable areas

Bootstrap and Foundation updated to the latest version

Free WordPress and HTML templates


Double clicking on an image will open image selection dialog

When selecting an image located outside of the project folder, Pinegrow asks if you want to copy the file to the project

Classes are shown in the tree

Background image property was added to Style section of the PROP panel

ESC key exits the inline edit mode

Setting for ignored subfolders

Larger click area for assigning classes in the CSS panel

Deleting an element will select the next element

Background image in Editable area can be editable

Listing which component types can be edited in the inner content of the editable area

Components -> Quick update now runs in the interactive mode

Duplicate component definition or create instance

A warning notice is shown before a component definition is deleted

Page -> Restore master page optional areas brings back optional editable areas that were deleted on the child page


WordPress Starter Theme updated to 1.2

Display custom theme header image


Live sync Pinegrow with Atom - the perfect IDE for the web


Global setting to disable Javascript while editing pages in Pinegrow


Copy & Paste with Clipboard panel

Auto-complete in PROP and ACT panels

Edit Javascript and other non-HTML files

Search document tree by selector

Page properties

Detect problems with the internal webserver and offer solutions.

WordPress quick export can be turned off


Editable areas are displayed in PROP panel

Collapse and expand tree levels

Foundation and Materialize update


Smart components can now have descriptions

Option to use component photos only for previews

The link between WordPress Template parts and Smart components

Bootstrap was upgraded to 3.3.6.

Bootstrap Blocks “Soft scroll #links” property was added

Font Awesome plugin now adds Font Awesome CSS resources through Page -> Manage plugins & libraries


Rearrange UI panels

Edit code in a separate window

Better tree visibility

Quickly switch between panels with keyboard shortcuts

Components: Make the selected element an instance of a chosen component

Better handling of PHP tags in HTML attributes

Link Template parts with Smart components


Improved stability

Better error messages in case of missing files

“Components -> Add/Update resources from libraries” can now be used to update resources on pages in the same project where resources are defined


Foundation 6

Google Font Manager

Define multiple master pages with custom headers and footers

Apply master pages to all open files

Enclose multiple elements in conditional statements

Create template parts with content of the element

Organize theme files in subfolders


Resize page views

Edit PHP HTML templates

Work with partials

Components got useful tools like Go to definition, Duplicate definition and Do not update


Auto fix broken links in project

Search box for icons

Auto clearing Bootstrap columns

Improved Test clicks

Hiding elements during editing

File pickers for links

Set which files are editable in Pinegrow


Introducing Pinegrow PRO


Master pages

Smart components

Editable areas

Project libraries - share resources between projects


Exporting WordPress themes in trial mode

Smart WordPress navigation menus


Bootstrap Blocks

Bootstrap Blocks for WordPress

Full Customizer support

Enqueuing scripts and stylesheets

“Register taxonomy” action in Site section

Set class for the first element on The Loop

Menu icon and menu position settings for Custom post types

“Remove classes” action in Misc section (great for removing placeholder classes that will be added dynamically by WP)

Multiple “PHP Code” actions so that you can add more than one to a single element


Page tabs

Show pages with Javascript disabled

Bootstrap and Foundation were updated

Remembering collapsed tree nodes

Set code editor font size

Materialize components and starting pages

Pinegrow WordPress plugin is no longer required

Display WordPress special areas

Nicer generated PHP code

Set featured image as element background

Image classes are auto-filled

Easy Bootstrap menus

Clearing Bootstrap columns in the loop


Introducing WordPress Theme Builder

Refreshed UI

Icons for CSS properties (thanks Martin!)

Font Awesome plugin (use File -> Manage frameworks to activate it for the current page)

Remembering the screen size and position

Persistent tree collapsing (data-pg-collapsed attribute is added to collapsed elements)

Set element’s name (bottom of PROP panel, stored in data-pg-name attribute)

Emmet in code editors (enable it in Settings)


Open recent files

Setting to disable auto-reloading externally changed files

Online documentation

Kelvin Pine – free personal resume Bootstrap theme


No data-pg-id attributes in Preview and copied code

Inline edit performance improvement

Improved HTML formatting

Handling CSS rules with multiple values for the same property

Improving Sync between Edit code and Page view


AngularJS support

Resizable code edit window


Edit pages with dynamic JavaScript elements

Use code & visual editing at the same time

Play around with pages opened directly from the internet

Preview changes without saving

Control Bootstrap and Revolution sliders

CSS panel and tree are now about 10x faster

Refresh page CMD+R

Zoom in Window menu

Option to auto add .html extension when saving

Vertical align and list style added to CSS props

Better readability, no more small-caps in tree and CSS panel


CSS UI fields for top, right, bottom and left

pg-empty-placeholder class makes empty elements visible during editing (read more)

Settings for UI zoom (useful for visually impaired users) and HTML code indent size in Support -> Settings

Smarter Insert Lorem Ipsum in selected element Actions menu


UP and DOWN arrow keys in CSS rules properties increases or decreases values

Use selected element Actions -> Insert Lorem Ipsum to quickly insert placeholder text

Improved handling of empty elements

Disable auto-updating in page Edit code


Select and open multiple files with Open file…

Open files by dragging and dropping them to Pinegrow window.

File -> Close all will close all open pages.


Improved LESS support

Stylesheets right-click menu

Syncing code and page view


Windows installer


Define custom responsive breakpoints

Media query selection tool

Multi-page editing was improved

New keyboard shortcuts that will save you a lot of time

Active setting in the CSS panel will show only those CSS rules that apply to the selected element

Visible at X px will show only the rules that are relevant to the current screen size

Bootstrap updates

Save All will now also save changes to component libraries

Startup on Windows is now a lot faster


New ways of adding elements to the page

Improved CSS workflow

+ (assign class to the selected element)

– (remove from the selected elements)

Adding new or existing stylesheets to a page is now easier than before

Bootstrap improvements


Foundation 5

SASS export

Bootstrap Javascript components

Choosing the framework

Shift + Click for test clicks


Show Bootstrap css files in the CSS panel


Added support for multiple frameworks

Bootstrap updated to 3.1

HTML5 is now a proper framework with element attributes in properties


Tree panel is resizable

Search in tree works better

Trial version can save files


Works much faster, especially on medium / large sized pages

More robust handling of CSS errors

Improved Drag & Drop

Pinegrow now runs an internal HTTP server for remote pages


Pinegrow is born