Use your favorite web design tool to create custom WordPress themes

Pinegrow Theme Converter
for WordPress

Download for Mac, Windows & Linux

Free trial is included.

Pinegrow Theme Converter is a desktop app that works with your local files and local WordPress installation.

New in Theme Converter 2.x - Create custom Gutenberg blocks, export plugins and much more. Learn more.

Quick introduction

Watch a short video to see how Pinegrow Theme Converter works.

Want to see more? Let's create a WordPress theme together.

How it works?

Use your favorite tool to design your project and export the HTML files to your computer.

Any website builder or design tool that can export HTML code can be used to create WordPress themes with Pinegrow Theme Converter.

  • Webflow
  • Dreamweaver
  • Blocs
  • Bootstrap Studio
  • Wappler
  • Pinegrow Web Editor *
  • and any HTML based editor

You can even code the HTML by hand.

Please note that Pinegrow Theme Converter can’t be used to edit HTML and CSS. It can only create WordPress themes.

* You can use Theme Converter with Pinegrow Web Editor as well. But it might be more convenient to use Pinegrow Web Editor with its integrated WordPress builder. See FAQ for more.

Open the exported HTML project in Pinegrow Theme Converter and add CMS features by assigning smart actions to HTML elements.

Pinegrow Theme Converter comes with a set of Smart actions, that are both powerful and easy to use, including:

Smart actions adjust the WordPress output to fit into your custom HTML structure and styling - not the other way around.

Generate the fully-featured WordPress theme with all the standard WordPress PHP files.

If you export the theme to your local WordPress installation you can test it right away.

What if you need to change the design?

With Pinegrow Theme Converter you keep editing the theme in your favorite design tool.

To update the WordPress theme, just export the HTML from your tool and re-run the instant theme conversion in Pinegrow Theme Converter. No need to add Smart actions again.

Pinegrow Theme Converter stores Smart actions in a separate file - not in your HTML files - and knows how to add them back whenever the HTML changes.

Getting started

The conversion from HTML to WordPress is not a black box process.

You get to decide how the theme will work.
You get to define the perfect information architecture for your site, including using custom post types, post fields, relationships, queries, taxonomies, customizer fields and more.

Here’s the deal - you do the interesting, creative parts of theme development and Pinegrow will take of the boring, repetitive tasks.

You get to do all of that without having to know anything about WordPress functions and PHP code.

And even if you are a seasoned WordPress developer, there’s no good reason to keep writing the WordPress PHP code by hand. Pinegrow can do that for you, and you have the complete freedom to use or customize the generated code however you like.

Creating custom WordPress themes has never been easier - or more fun.

Get Pinegrow Theme Converter

Create as many WordPress themes as you want and use the latest version of Theme Converter as long as your subscription is active.

Please choose between yearly and monthly recurring subscription. You can cancel at any time. The yearly subscription comes with 30 days money-back guarantee.

Best value

Pinegrow Theme Converter

$15$15per month / user
VAT may apply

You'll be charged every month. Cancel at any time.


Pinegrow Theme Converter

$99 $99 per year / user
VAT may apply

You'll be charged every year. Cancel at any time. Includes 30 days money-back guarantee.

30 days Money-back guarantee

Not 100% sure if Pinegrow is right for you? No worries. Try it without risk. Please note that refunds are not available for monthly subscriptions. Details.

Support & friendly community

Get support when you need it and participate in our friendly user community in the online forum.

Active development

We work on Pinegrow full-time and publish frequent new releases. Check out the timeline of Pinegrow releases to see how fast Pinegrow is improving.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I have to tell Pinegrow how to export the theme? Can’t I just press a button instead?

Why would you want to skip the fun parts of creating a theme?

Pinegrow Theme Converter is designed to give you full freedom and control over your WordPress theme. Having a magic button would take this freedom away from you.

The main part of creating a theme is coming up with a proper information architecture: defining post types, their relationships, custom fields and so on.

That takes some consideration. Every project has different requirements. There is no single-click solution.

Should I use Pinegrow Theme Converter or Pinegrow Web Editor?

For those that don’t know us, our flagship product is Pinegrow Web Editor, a fully featured HTML and CSS editor that comes with WordPress converter integrated right into the editor.

You should use Pinegrow Web Editor with WordPress theme builder if you do most of HTML and CSS editing with Pinegrow, possibly in combination with code editor like Atom or VS Code.

But if you want to use other website builders - especially those that export the HTML code - then Pinegrow Theme Converter is the perfect solution for you.

Do I need to run any special WordPress plugins?

No. Pinegrow exports standard WordPress PHP theme files that don’t require any special plugins.

Of course, you can use any WordPress plugin with the theme.

That said, if you use Relationships between different post types (for example, Projects have assigned Team members who work on them) we recommend using the free version of Advanced Custom Fields plugin for user-friendly managing of these fields.

What if Smart actions are not enough for me?

Most smart actions can be unrolled into one or more of 200+ regular WordPress actions and further customized.

If event that is not enough, it is possible to include custom PHP code in the templates and in functions.php.

Meet all our products

All our web development applications work with your local projects and work well together with your other tools.

General purpose HTML & CSS editor that lets you build responsive websites faster with live multi-page editing, CSS & SASS styling, CSS Grid editor and smart components for Bootstrap, Foundation and the possibility to add custom frameworks.

Vue Designer is a visual IDE for Vue applications. It works with every Vite project and frameworks such as Nuxt and Iles.

Pinegrow Interactions is a powerful visual editor for designing web interactions and animations. Pinegrow Interactions extends Pinegrow Web Editor with interaction composer and fully-featured animation timeline editor based on GSAP.

Pinegrow Web Editor with integrated WordPress theme creator. Add WordPress smart actions to page elements to impart dynamic CMS functionality to the theme.

Export fully-featured, proper WordPress themes with content custom-tailored to each project.

Install Pinegrow on your WordPress site and turn it into a visual development environment for building custom blocks, whole themes and static HTML projects.

Use same features as WordPress Builder in Pinegrow Web Editor.

Standalone WordPress theme builder that lets you use any website builder to create custom WordPress themes.

After the conversion is set up, you keep using the original website editor to make changes to the theme.

An add-on for Pinegrow Web Editor that lets you visually edit TailwindCSS projects. It comes with the full range of visual controls and supports working with custom TailwindCSS themes.

Take static HTML snapshots of dynamic web applications and use them for collaboration, styling and prototyping.

Open your app in Pinegrow Snapshots, navigate to any screen or state and save it as a static HTML snapshot.

Great in combination with Pinegrow Web Editor.

An online space where children learn HTML & CSS and practice their skills on fun creative web projects.