Home/ Tutorials/ How to create a language dropdown with flags in Bootstrap 4

How to create a language dropdown with flags in Bootstrap 4

A step-by-step guide to creating a Bootstrap 4 navigation bar with drop down menu for language selection.

Bootstrap is a great framework that lets you put complex pages together quickly. Over the years it has evolved and added in a number of features. Currently Bootstrap 4 has about 1500 classes! The Pinegrow web editor has a number of custom controls that allow you to better harness the power of Bootstrap.

Even with these great tools, understanding how various elements are put together in Bootstrap can still be a little daunting. In this tutorial, I’m going to provide a simple step-by-step guide to putting together a navbar with dropdown menu for language selection.

Screenshot of the navbar dropdown language menu on desktop and mobile

Let’s get started!


Download the project files for language navigation dropdown with language flags for Bootstrap 4 to play along the tutorial and use it as a code snippet library for your projects.

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Starting a new Bootstrap project

For this project I’m going to start with a blank Bootstrap 4 page and save it as a project.

  1. From the Pinegrow start page select either the “New page or project icon”, or select “New page…” from the File menu.
Starting a new page or project in Pinegrow
  1. In the resulting modal select the Bootstrap 4 framework and then the index.html template.
Starting a Bootstrap 4 page in Pinegrow
  1. Next, save the page into a new folder – I’m going to keep the file name as “index.html”, but you can choose any name you would like.
  2. Once you save the file Pinegrow will display a modal asking if you want to open the new folder as a project – click “Yes”. 
Screenshot of the Pinegrow modal to open a file as a project

Adding the navbar

Now that we have our project saved we can add a navbar to our page in two different ways using the Pinegrow built-in library. Either using the Components tab or the List tab. In this case we will use the List tab, which includes a Bootstrap navbar with all of the features, including a dropdown menu.

Elements can be added to the Pinegrow Page View from the Library panel
  1. Open the Library panel and select the List tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Navigation section.
  3. Drag the navbar element to the Page View or Tree panel. 
Bootstrap navbar on desktop and mobile views in the Pinegrow Page View

If we open an additional Page View by clicking on the window-plus icon in the Page View tab we can see how our navbar would look in both desktop and mobile view.

Formating the dropdown

Now, let’s format the dropdown item to make it into a trigger for changing the page language. It would look great with some flag icons!

Github has a great asset for this in the form of a project called “flag-icon-css” started by an author named “lipis” but containing contributions by a number of authors. This repo also happens to be hosted by a number of content delivery networks (CDN), making adding it to our page fairly easy.

  1. Navigate to the CDN for this repo and copy the link. 
CDNJS provides hosting for a number of useful repos
  1. Since this particular resource is a stylesheet, in Pinegrow open the file menu and select “Manage stylesheets”.
The Pinegrow File menu
  1. From the pop-up click on the “OPEN URL…” tab and paste in the copied url, then click the “Add” button.
Add the CDN link in the Pinegrow stylesheet manager
  1. After clicking the add button you will get a notification – click “OK”. Next, click on the “Attach to index.html” link below the “flag-icon-css” stylesheet. 
Attach the new stylesheet to your Pinegrow page

Now that we have our flags to use we can change up the styling of our menu. The flags in this library are added using two classes – flag-icon and flag-icon-xx, (where xx is the ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code of a country).

  1. Select the dropdown link in the Tree panel. 
Selecting the dropdown link in the Pinegrow Tree panel
  1. Open the Properties panel and change the label of the <A> LINK to Language. 
Pinegrow Properties panel for the dropdown link
  1. Return to the Tree panel and select the first Dropdown item from the Dropdown menu
Selecting the first dropdown item in the Pinegrow Tree panel
  1. Next, open the Properties panel and replace the label with : <span class="flag-icon flag-icon-us"></span> English to add a United states flag and label.
Changing the link label in the Pinegrow Properties panel
  1. While we are in the Properties panel, we can also change the link (Href) to point to the current page, which is our English language home page, index.html.
  2. Now, let’s replace the labels of the other two dropdown items in the same manner. With the second dropdown item selected, open the Properties panel and add <span class="flag-icon flag-icon-fr"></span> Français, plus change the Href to fr/index.html, for example, to load in our french home page.
  3. Finally select the third dropdown item and change the label to <span class="flag-icon flag-icon-de"></span> Deutsch and the Href to de/index.html
Navdrop styling is complete

Altering the desktop and mobile views

At this point we could leave the styling as it looks. However, if we want to use the existing dropdown as a language selector it would probably be better set off to the right side of the page and still available in mobile view.

Let’s take a look at the code and cover how Bootstrap handles navbar collapse in mobile view. 

Overall structure of the Bootstrap navbar

Looking at the Organization in the Tree panel, we can see that the entire navbar content is wrapped within an outer nav container with a class of .navbar.

Just inside the container is our navbar brand section – this is a link where our logo should be placed.

This is followed by the navbar toggler button. Inside of this is is the hamburger menu that appears in mobile view and toggles the visibility of the menu.

Finally, all of the menu items that disappear and appear on toggle when in mobile view are contained within a navbar collapse div. This div has two important classes and an id. The two classes, collapse and navbar-collapse give the navbar the correct visibility based on screen-size. The id, navbarToggler30 is used for targeting the menu by the toggler.

Pinegrow Properties panel for the navdrop toggler

If we select the toggler button element and then examine the properties we can see that the “data-target” attribute is set to this id (note – the id is preceded by a hash ‘#’ to indicate it is an id).

So, basically anything within the navbar collapse container will be hidden in mobile view until the hamburger is clicked. Since we want the dropdown visible in mobile, we have to move it outside of this container.

Moving the dropdown

At the end, I want the dropdown at the right side on the navbar before the search element on the desktop, or just before the toggle in mobile, so we are going to have to rearrange the order of our elements and alter the visibility on mobile.

  1. Add a “div” element to The navbar before the Form element by typing “div” into the Library panel search box and then dragging the element to the Tree panel. Make sure that it has the same indentation as the form element. 
The Pinegrow Library panel contains a powerful search bar
  1. Next, with the div still selected open the Style panel, click the “+ Add class” button, type dropdown in the input box and click “Add class”. 
Adding classes in the Pinegrow Properties panel
  1. Next, in the Tree panel, select the Nav link and Dropdown menu items. This can be accomplished by holding the shift key while selecting them. 
Selecting multiple navbar elements in the Pinegrow Tree panel
  1. Drag the selected items into your newly created div. This will place the link after the form item in the navbar. 
Items can be repositioned in the Pinegrow Tree panel
  1. Lastly, delete the navbar nav item that previously contained the dropdown menu.

Now we have our dropdown positioned correctly for the desktop view. How do we get it displayed for mobile?

Adding the mobile dropdown

  1. Select your newly added div in the Tree view and then click on the duplicate icon from the small menu on the right side of the panel 
Items can be duplicated by selecting and then clicking the duplicate icon in the Pinegrow Tree panel
  1. Drag the newly created item inside the navbar toggler, but before the span element. 
Repositioned duplicate dropdown menu
  1. If you look at a the page with mobile view triggered, you can see that the dropdown isn’t quite in position. It needs to be positioned in front of the toggle, not on top of it. 
New dropdown positioned incorrectly in mobile view of Pinegrow Page View panel
  1. With the dropdown button within the navbar toggler selected, open the style panel. We will add an inline style, rather than adding to our stylesheet. Within the Visual Editor, scroll down to the Display section and from the Display dropdown select “inline-block”. 
Changes to the navdrop position can be made in the Pinegrow Styles panel

Hiding the desktop dropdown on mobile

While that puts our dropdown in the correct position now, if we click on the toggle to open it we will see that we have a duplicate language dropdown at the bottom. Let’s hide that by adding some Bootstrap classes.

  1. Select the dropdown button that is before the form element in the navbar collapse container. 
Selecting the desktop dropdown button in the Pinegrow Tree panel
  1. Open the Properties panel, click on the “+ Add class” button, add the “d-none” and “d-lg-block” classes to the input box and then click the “Add class” button.
Adding classes in the Pinegrow Properties panel

If we take a look now we can see that our language menu is just where we want it and only shows up once in the mobile view.

Screenshot of the navbar dropdown language menu on desktop and mobile

Final thoughts

While getting the styling exactly how we wanted it took some rearranging, I hope you can appreciate how easy it was to put together a dropdown menu in Bootstrap using Pinegrow. While this tutorial specifically put together a navbar dropdown menu to change the site language, you could use these same steps to change the theme of your site. Additionally, we elected to redirect users to different pages for each language. Instead, we could have used JavaScript to change the visibility of alternate language sections, or to toggle different color sets. This was a little beyond the scope of this tutorial, but we can discuss it further in the Pinegrow forum!

I hope this tutorial will help someone in putting together a great looking dropdown using the Pinegrow web editor. Until next time, have fun designing with Pinegrow.

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Last updated on November 29, 2020 at 12:53 pm

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