Documentation/Creating WordPress themes, blocks and plugins/Actions/Customizer Field/Use a customizer control to hide or show element on the page

Use a customizer control to hide or show element on the page

We’ll create a customizer control to show or hide the header element.

This example requires Pinegrow Web Editor 5.92 or Theme Converter 1.3

The Starting Point

We have a <header> element on the front page and want to create a customizer setting that will control if the header is displayed or not:

    <h1>Welcome to our website!</h1>


In Pinegrow – Select the <header> element and add Customizer Field – Smart action from the Global Smart Actions section of the WordPress panel and set:

  • Field id to “show_header”
  • Label to “Show header”
  • Edit to “Show element”. Show element setting creates a checkbox control that shows the element when the value is checked.

The HTML code with WordPress actions:

<header cms-editable="show_header" cms-editable-type="show" cms-editable-label="Show header">
    <h1>Welcome to our website!</h1>

Export the Theme

Do the Whole Theme Export with CTRL (CMD on Mac) + W.

The Result

We can now use the Show header customizer control to show or hide the header:

The generated PHP code:

<?php if ( get_theme_mod( 'show_header' ) ) : ?>
        <h1><?php _e( 'Welcome to our website!', 'customizer_demo' ); ?></h1>
<?php endif; ?>